Portrait of an east asian woman with half her face obscured by a piece of paper looking downward.Serious portrait of young Sikh male in a turban with a beard and mustache looking at the camera.Angled portrait of a young hooded asian man mouth ajar.Sharply dressed bearded latino man with a quizzical expression looking into the camera.
Portrait of a black dark skinned woman with a link chain, mouth ajar, holding her fist to the corner of her left jaw. Man sitting with part of his back toward the camera in a wheelchair, his hands on the steering wheels.Asian woman leaning with her chin in her palm looking pensively toward the groundPortrait of a black dark skinned woman with a link chain, mouth ajar, holding her fist to the corner of her left jaw.
Young black man with a short afro looking into the camera.Close up side portrait of an older pacific islander male with a serious expression.Profile of a greying south asian man with the bottom portion of his face cast into shadow.A disabled person sitting in a wheelchair against a cracking stone wall.
Angled portrait of a smiling white plus-sized woman with glasses and hoop earrings.Three quarter angle portrait of young latino man with a goatee A young woman with dwarfism and long dark hair in a tank top, wit a heart tattoo on her shoulder beginning to smile.Young hooded middle eastern man lost in thought with his thumb pressed against his chin.
Young white woman staring off into the distance as most of her face is cast in shadow.Portrait of a happy young indian female mid-twirl with her hair moving.
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Portrait of a happy young indian female mid-twirl with her hair moving.
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 Young white woman staring off into the distance as most of her face is cast in shadow.Portrait of a black dark skinned woman with a link chain, mouth ajar, holding her fist to the corner of her left jaw.
Portrait of a young white man with a baseball hat, chin resting between his thumb and index finger, looking into the camera.White bespeckled man looking toward the ground as half his face is cast in shadow.Portrait of a white woman looking straight through the camera.Transgender man with a fitted hat pulling on his sweatshirt and looking off to the left.
Sharply dressed bearded latino man with a quizzical expression looking into the camera.Asian man with glasses looking squarely into the camera with his arms definitely folded across his chest.Front lower body view of white male with a prosthetic leg stand in front a weight lifting bar.Transgender male with soft eyes craning his neck to the left.

Shining a light on bias and its consequences in the workplace.
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Southeast Asian
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"You chose to not acknowledge my contribution to the success of one of our biggest brands and proceeded to overlook me for a promotion...more than once."
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"I was told by my supervisor that I was too aggressive and too strong in expressing my opinion."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"my hiring manager told me she was going to replace me with "someone younger." As a freelance writer, I was treated as dispensable. "
After the experience in
I told a supervisor.
Mentally Disabled
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"When I was about to make an offer to a new hire the CEO of my company pulled me aside to give me some advice. He wanted me to know that women don't negotiate and I should offer a lower number to her. I was stunned as I am a woman and he hired me."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"Our company CEO emailed me to curtly request that I bring him a coffee. I had spoken with him twice since I joined the company in a business development role. His assistant and I were the only two women of color at the company, and she was out that day."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"One time during a work mixer I was introducing myself to a few clients in the advertising industry. Someone made a comment which implied that I worked closely with the few POC at the company."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"There are obstacles on opportunities that can help me develop as a leader. The culture of “No” for me but “Yes” for my colleagues who are white."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"My ideas were only heard and validated when a white man repeated them."
After the experience in
I kept quiet but gave the bare minimum.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
Upon receiving a counter offer from my company after tendering my resignation — my supervisor noted to me during the salary negotiations to remain at the firm “aren’t you retiring soon anyways?”
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"I was employed as an executive for a Fortune 250 company and pursuing an Ivy League MBA. At a company event I mentioned to the founder / CEO that I was very excited to be graduating soon...he asked if I was getting my GED."
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"When I interviewed for a new position managing a physician practice the doctor insisted on interviewing me himself. He asked me about my family life (was I married — did I have children — etc) and persisted even after I told him that he legally couldn’t ask me those questions."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"A White service rep boldly applied a Black stereotype when he asked 'Oh you grew up with your father in your home?' Then he delivered a backhanded compliment by saying 'And you’re doing so well! Your parents must be so proud' as if it came as a surprise to him."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"A black vice president told me that in order for black leadership to help and support me, I had to impress them first."
After the experience in
I told a supervisor.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"I voiced disagreement or pointed out potential issues with ideas in team meetings. I was told I was being negative and aggressive. One particular coworker would cry whenever I gave constructive feedback on their work or performance. I was essentially asked to smile in meetings."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"As a professional photographer for twenty years, on photo-shoots, editors and clients walk right past me “looking for the photographer”. They assume because I am a woman, I'm the makeup artist. "
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"My colleagues tell me that I don't have any commitments at home and therefore have the ability to stay late at work to pick up the slack from others. It hurts because I didn't choose not to have children - it's how life turned out for me. "
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Southeast Asian
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"You chose to not put me on a sports brand because of my gender despite the knowledge of my athletic background and my past career experience working on a major sporting event."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"I was told by my supervisor that I was too aggressive and too strong in expressing my opinion and advocating for my staff. I believe my behavior was judged based on the fact that I was a woman. No male manager was ever told this."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"When you use the expression “that’s gay” to describe a negative situation — experience or thing — because I identify as gay and therefore you were saying I am less than or you see me in a negative."
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"As an executive pursuing an Ivy League MBA I mentioned to the founder/CEO that I was very excited to be graduating soon - he asked if I was getting my GED."
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"I am capable to fulfill the roles I am applying for, but I don't get callbacks. One career coach told me it was because my artwork shows up when they search for me and they decide not to call me back."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"A black vice president told me that in order for black leadership to help and support me, I had to impress them first."
After the experience in
I told a supervisor.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"I'm misunderstood for hearing voices and judged in a personal, political and societal manner."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Mentally Disabled
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"My male CEO continually and frequently would disagree with me before finishing a sentence as my experience wasn't as valid as his. He told me this in a 121."
After the experience in
I kept quiet but gave the bare minimum.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"Multiple colleagues have noted that my capability and intelligence surprised them because of my bubbly and kind demeanor. My demeanor allows me to be more successful and make more intelligent decisions. It's disappointing that I'm being judged negatively for it."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"When I was a Junior Account Manager I was talked down to by another co-worker on how a production was going that I had little to do with. She questioned my competency and work ethic in an aggressive way."
After the experience in
I told a supervisor.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"In my yearly pay review I was not given any technical feedback as a web developer. Instead I got told that I came across too serious and grumpy because I didn't smile enough and heavily implied that it had an impact on the sort of projects that I got resourced for."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"When I was asked to write a blog post for the diversity and inclusion blog about myself and the committee I founded and my story was completely white-washed and edited to be more “corporate”.
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Man
Bias hurt me when...
"Three leaders created a disreputable narrative about my communication skills. A less experienced peer played into their narrative and was promoted over me. I never had communication issues in seven years, and it seemed to only come up when I was getting close to a promotion."
After the experience in
I eventually quit.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"My boss grabbed my breast at a holiday party and said 'Sorry! I just had to do it!' There was alcohol involved and they conveniently forgot that it happened. I confided in a coworker who told me I must be mistaken. The instinct was to protect the harasser instead of the harassed."
After the experience in
I told a co-worker.
Cisgender Woman
Bias hurt me when...
"I received a back handed compliment from my white female supervisor that I'm not passive aggressive like other Asians."
After the experience in
I kept it to myself.